A must watch video for every family that eats aubergine. – Our health - Health Tips Galaxy


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Friday, 16 July 2021

A must watch video for every family that eats aubergine. – Our health

Eating a combination of two contradictory foods in our diet can lead to many health problems. Eating like this without our knowledge can lead to skin problems, respiratory problems and even fatal problems. The most common of these is the egg-gourd. We keep hearing that these two should not be eaten together. When any two foods are eaten together the food we eat must be digested at once. Otherwise the gourd is filled with water so it is digested quickly. The egg is full of proteins so it takes a while to digest.

Prolonged digestion of food once eaten can lead to skin problems. It is also said that eggplant and gongura should not be eaten together. 2 Heating Vegetables Those who are on a diet for those with skin problems are told not to eat eggplant, gongura original. Eating these together can lead to skin rashes and difficulty breathing.

It is also said not to eat amaranth at night. Amla is rich in vitamin C. The higher the vitamin C intake at night, the higher the risk of gastrointestinal problems. Also taking vitamin C at nights increases sputum in the chest. Lettuce and tomatoes should not be eaten together. It is believed that eating it can cause kidney stones. Lettuce Tomatoes contain a substance called oxylate, which causes kidney stones. Also, people who drink less water are more likely to get kidney stones.

In some people, eating these two together may not cause kidney stones. Yet we all know that coriander provides many nutrients to the body. Corn should not be eaten while eating coriander. Both work as opposite foods and cause many health problems. Also radish curry should not be eaten while eating coriander. Some people cook two or three vegetables together to taste. When doing so no longer note whether they are contradictory foods or not. Otherwise there is a possibility of many skin problems, respiratory problems or even death.

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