Animal Medical Intuitive Techniques and Animal Intuitive Diagnosis and Healing - Health Tips Galaxy


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Sunday, 21 November 2021

Animal Medical Intuitive Techniques and Animal Intuitive Diagnosis and Healing

If you’re an animal lover, in your mind, animals and pets are people too. Therefore, if an individual can go to Medical Intuitive, why wouldn’t there be an Animal Medical Intuitive?
The good news is, there is!

Animal medical intuitives use some of the same techniques that medical intuitives use with human clients.

An animal body scan is the generic name for a generalized energy scan of an animal’s body. Reiki, Healing Touch for Animals, Tellington TTouch and other energy medicine practitioners use their hands to determine if an animal has any energetic blockages or energetic imbalances.

Medical Intuitive Scanning for Animals is similar to the one used for humans. In addition to employing the energetic sensory input of their hands, the practitioner uses their intuition to supplement their knowledge about the animal’s health issues.

AMIDI, Animal Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™ is the animal body scanning process of looking inside an animal’s body to see and diagnose current disorders and future health issues. The practitioner uses a form of intuitive x-ray vision to see beneath an animal’s skin to determine the bioenergy patterns that create and cause the animal’s disorders.

Although each practitioner, in time may develop their own body scanning system, the colors of the disease patterns remains the same. Each color represents a scientifically documented vibrational frequency which was first discovered and used by Dr. Valerie Hunt and Roslyn Bruyere. In Barbara Brennan’s books, she discusses the significance of different colors used for healing and other color system appearing in the auric field.

For example, shades of blue represent a range of pain energy, while orange /yellow represents energy ranges within the immune system’s frequency.

Although animal intuitives may have various personal signals for reorganization, the documented human or animal vibrational frequency range of specific coloration never changes. The bioenergy pattern presentation can, at times be different in animals because they have a lower frequency range than humans.

It’s important to note that disease patterns also remain the same since animals (dogs, cats, horses) like humans have the same basic disorders, although specific to their anatomy system and organ system placement. Example: A hock or human knees are both joints. Colic, kidney failure, pancreatitis are all the same whether in a human or in an animal. For decades pig heart valves have replaced human heart valves further indicating that we all are interconnected.

Domestic animals have a lower frequency range. Therefore the colors of their bioenergy disease pattern may present in a different order. The pattern’s bases starts at the lowest density frequency nearest the organ, tissue, cell or nerve and builds to the highest frequency as the top layer.

Intern practitioners may become frustrated with this confusing interpretation, and incorrectly perceive that this is a different energy pattern for a disease. Animal medical intuitive diagnostic veterans understand that it is just a different presentation in the bioenergy stacking pattern of that particular disease.

Due to the fact that AMIDI is a new field of Animal Medical Intuitive Diagnosis, it is best that future practitioners to work in as an intern under a certified practitioner. It is important to create a credibility base so an animal’s guardian will not be misinformed or frightened by an incorrect diagnosis that could wreak havoc in a client’s life. Supervised practice and field experience will contribute to, document and create a quality substantiated knowledge base for a new AMIDI specialist.

From the generalized animal body scanning process to the extremely detailed and comprehensive A MIDI, all of the various animal medical intuitive assessment approaches contribute to and provide a greater awareness for the pet animal’s guardian in choosing the best treatments and procedures for their pet’s healing journey.

Source by Brent Atwater

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