Do a good massage with this for smooth skin – our health - Health Tips Galaxy


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Thursday, 15 July 2021

Do a good massage with this for smooth skin – our health

The climate has changed. With the onset of the monsoon season, the skin also undergoes many changes. No matter how many creams and powders are used by those with dry skin, the skin will remain cracked and lifeless as it dries. No matter how much care many people take for the face, the skin will continue to look like this. Those with such skin should try out the tips they are going to tell you now.

Oils are not as available in our past as they are now. Castor oil was originally used for health care, as well as for cosmetic care of the skin and hair. Milk cream is used for cosmetic nutrition when it is not even available. Now that we are consuming low fat milk, the chances of getting cream are less. But take the cream found in pure milk.

Also the face should be steamed at least four times a week. Boil water in a bowl and close the lid halfway with the towel off the lid when the smoke comes out of the water. Or steam directly with a steam machine to cleanse the skin cells. The dead cells that have accumulated on the skin are removed. After steaming, gently massage the cream on the face. It feels very sticky.

By doing this the cream will go into the skin cells and make the skin soft and loving. This massage improves blood circulation to the skin. The darker the skin, the more dull the skin becomes fresh. Soap should not be used after massaging with this cream. Chemicals in the soap, foaming agents clean the milk. Rubbing the face with lotion will not fade the freshness caused by the cream in the skin cells.

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