Marijuana, Addiction, and Drug Abuse - Health Tips Galaxy


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Friday, 21 October 2022

Marijuana, Addiction, and Drug Abuse

Despite it’s possession and use being against the law, marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs in the USA. This green plant holds this distinguished title right alongside legal substances such as caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. In an ironic twist, it is well known that the addictive qualities of marijuana are much lower than the three legal drugs just mentioned, legal substances which are highly abused in American society. By comparison, marijuana is mush less addictive than our darling legal fixes; like that cigarette break expected to come on the hour, every hour, or not waking up until we get that caffeine hit from the first morning cup of coffee, or enjoying that extra beer, shot, or glass of wine every evening, especially when the day didn’t go our way.

This is all true.

Nevertheless, there’s a sort of bad logic to it all, an implication of an argument that’s being put forth that isn’t really logically put into the framework, only advanced by comparison. What I mean is that while this is all true about other legal substances being more addictive, it doesn’t negate the fact that certain individuals do become addicted to marijuana. Sadly, this is an often missed point with individuals who, perhaps rightly so, speak of the legalization, decriminalization, or medicinal use of marijuana.

It is estimated that somewhere in the vicinity of 10-12% of regular marijuana smokers will eventually become addicted to marijuana. This is evident when the user decides to stop or for whatever reason, is unable to smoke regularly. Withdrawal symptoms reported by heavily addicted users mimic experiences seen across the board, no matter drug addiction it is being referred to; things like headaches, oversleeping, insomnia, the shakes, a feeling that the body is very cold (similar to the flu), and most of all, a general sense of anxiety and just crankiness. In other words, you wouldn’t want to be around someone feeling this way!

The problem we have is that because marijuana is relatively harmless in comparison to more powerfully addicting and controlling substances, such as crack cocaine, crystal meth, and even nicotine (arguably the most addictive drug in popular use), it’s not given much attention in its own right as something that can be addicting and causing problems.

This can isolate addicts who need help, exasperating the problem even more so, pushing help further away when it’s most needed. It doesn’t have to be this way. While friends and family may express shock as marijuana being addictive, drug counselors know the real situation and are trained to work with you to find a way out.

Source by Ben Quick

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