Eating Disorders: Anorexia Has Made Our Family Topsy Turvy - Health Tips Galaxy


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Saturday, 22 October 2022

Eating Disorders: Anorexia Has Made Our Family Topsy Turvy

Every family with an anorexic child has to deal with focusing all their efforts to help the daughter eat more. Schedules might be ignored, meetings postponed, dates canceled and vacations altered all to help your anorexic daughter.

You commit every effort to combat anorexia. You are her role model and it has to start within you. You are making sacrifices so your daughter will eat more. Everything must be taken into consideration for your child who is fighting a losing battle on her own. She cannot get well without you.

As a parent you must not only care for your anorexic daughter but encourage the entire family to be a part of the healing. Remind them that the battle to defeat anorexia is a group effort. Everybody is important in his or her own special way.

Make an effort to have a family meeting time and brainstorm ideas and suggestions on how you can make activities and schedules work. Find time to talk with individual family members about their concerns and their feelings with your daughter’s condition.

Involving every family member in the decision-making process will likely make them participate in solving your daughter’s anorexia. Finally remind them that all of you have an important role to play in the process. Let them know that you feel tired once in a while too and it is a normal thing to happen.

It is common to feel tired and angry of what anorexia has done to your family. Support one another the best you can. Your daughter needs all the help she can get and all of you to cheer her on.

So whenever you feel tired of making your daughter eat one spoonful at a time, remind yourself that your efforts won’t end in vain. There will come a time when your child will thank you for saving her and turning her life around.

There is no reason to believe she will not recover from her eating disorder and start eating more each day. This is because you never give up on her.

Source by Lynn A Moore

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