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Monday 29 August 2022

Lean Gene

Product Name: Lean Gene

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Lean Gene is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Increases fat-burning by 543%

Decreases cravings & hunger

Supports healthy blood sugar

Targets your master fat burning gene

Do you know why two people can follow the exact same diet…

Eat the exact same foods…

And the exact same calories…

And one person LOSES weight…

While the other GAINS weight?

I didn’t know the answer either…

Until I took a trip to Brazil…

And discovered a tiny, remote village where obesity doesn’t exist…

And everyone looked so much younger than their age.

I would soon discover their bizarre fat burning secret…

And an ancient Brazilian water recipe that would end my struggle with stubborn fat genes and melt away 71 pounds of fat in just weeks…

Thanks to a little-known fat burning gene buried deep within your cells…

That turns up your metabolism on command…

Just like turning on a switch…

No matter if you are a foodie who loves to eat cheese pizza, juicy burgers with fries, and salty snacks…

Or a sugar junkie who loves cake, ice cream, rich chocolate desserts or fancy pastries…

The latest research proves how this one tiny tweak to the water you are already drinking…

Instantly re-ignites your sluggish metabolism…

Faster than hours of back breaking exercise ever could…

Transforming your metabolism into a raging inferno for the rest of the day…

Giving you the freedom to enjoy all your favorite foods completely guilt free.

And finally becoming the healthy, happy, lean and attractive person you’ve always wanted to be…

Thanks to a new discovery from a team of scientists at the University of Texas in Dallas…

The part of your metabolism that burns fat while you sleep…

Just like you turn on a light switch in your house…

No matter your age, or if you are male or female…

This “lean gene” is your MASTER metabolic control switch.

Its 5X more powerful than AMpK…

10X more powerful than human growth hormone…

In fact, its more powerful than any enzyme or hormone and yet, you have never heard of it before.

Because the information you are about to see has been kept hidden for over 50 years.

And in this short letter I will show you this exact Brazilian water recipe and how you can use it to turn on your lean gene and turn up your resting metabolism to burn fat while sitting on the couch, watching TV… and especially while you sleep.

And instantly signals your fat cells to change from fat to slim.

Anyone can do this in just 10 seconds per day…

It doesn’t matter if you are 30 years old…

Whether you love to exercise…

Or prefer to sit on the couch and relax…

Just like flipping on a switch.

And have tried everything…

And nothing has worked…

Then this will be the most important letter you have ever read in your life…

Because I’m going to show you the shocking proof…

Behind what’s really going on with your body…

And the hidden problem keeping you from ever losing weight…

So please, stick with me for the next 3 minutes…

Because I’m going to share with you the scientific truth…

About how you can reactivate your “lean gene” …

To turn on the master control switch of your resting metabolism…

And start burning away pounds of stuck fat while you relax…

Just like when you were a teenager.

I’m going to show you everything…

All the scientific studies…

So you can use this exact same Brazilian water recipe to…

By the way, my name is Janet but people call me the “Gene Girl”…

I am a certified nutritionist and have an identical twin sister named Sara…

And for the past 18 years…

I have worked as a clinical nutritionist while studying epigenetics, gene therapy and genomics…

I am obsessed with figuring out why some people lose weight when others can’t…

And because of the pain and humiliation I felt from struggling with my own weight,,,

While my sister effortlessly stayed slim and fit….

I dedicated my life to finding out why some people can eat how much they want, whenever they want to…

And never gain a pound…

While others gain weight just thinking about their favorite foods…

And what I have discovered will shock you…

After stumbling upon this new breakthrough scientific discovery…

While on a research trip to Brazil…

The country with one of the highest numbers of recorded twin births on the planet…

Is where I would stumble upon…

Brazilian water recipe that reactivates your Lean Gene and turns up your resting metabolism on command…

In a matter of seconds…

Forcing your body to release pounds of trapped fat…

And it works no matter how old you are…

How much exercise you do…

Or if you are male or female…

It’s all based on human genomics…

Scientists are calling it the “Lean Gene”

But the correct scientific name for it is UCP2.

Everybody has this gene…

It’s the gene that triggers the creation of a protein that turns on resting metabolism and activates fat burning…

When your UCP2 lean gene is switched on…

So is your resting metabolism.

And you start burning fat without the need for vigorous exercise…

Modern diets are missing the one critical nutrient that can turn on your Lean Gene…

So, most of us have it switched OFF…

If you have 15 or more pounds to lose…

If you have stubborn belly fat…

If you can’t seem to lose weight no matter what diet you try…

If you are fed up and frustrated because nothing is working…

Then it’s a clear sign your Lean Gene is turned OFF.

All you have to do is turn on this genetic switch…

And your body will start to transform.

You’ll lose stubborn pounds clinging to your belly, hips and thighs…

You’ll be at the perfect weight for your height and look exactly how you’ve dreamed of…

You’ll fit into those skinny jeans once and for all…

You’ll enjoy ideal health and boundless energy- the way nature intended…

Your sex drive will increase as your body comes back into balance…

You’ll turn heads and enjoy the admiring glances of friends and strangers…

You’ll do this while you REST…

Without changing your diet, counting calories or exercising one second more than you want to…

Because none of those things can turn on your Lean Gene.

You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing you don’t have to obsess and worry about any difficult lifestyle changes any longer…

And let the power of your genetics awaken your resting metabolism.

There is nothing more for you to do.

So, sit back and relax as I show you exactly how to do this…

In as little as 10 seconds…

You can do it any day of the week…

You can do it before you eat foods like burgers, pizza, cake or ice cream…

Or even before you enjoy a relaxing glass of wine or beer…

It works for everyone who tries it…

And is so easy you simply cannot fail…

But before you try it there is something you need to know…

Something even your doctor won’t tell you…

Because this defies all traditional thinking about weight loss and why some people lose weight fast…

While others struggle to lose a single pound.

You are probably familiar with metabolism and how important it is for burning calories and keeping you lean and fit…

But did you know you have two types of metabolism in your body?

The first is Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR…

This is the metabolism responsible for burning calories through movement or exercise…

And is responsible for about 10 percent of your body’s fat burning potential…

The second type of metabolism is less well known but even more important when it comes to losing fat…

It’s called Resting Metabolic Rate or RMR.

This is the metabolism responsible for burning UP TO 90 PERCENT of your calories and fat while you rest – especially while you sleep.

And since you spend a lot more time sleeping and being sedentary than you do exercising, increasing your Resting Metabolic Rate is critical.

You failed because these were focused on increasing your BMR ONLY…

So, you were only getting about 10 percent of the fat burning results you could have seen…

You want to increase your Resting Metabolic Rate to burn pounds of fat while you rest – even while you sleep!

That way you won’t need exercise to do the work for you.

That’s the power of your Lean Gene…

Your Lean Gene turns up your Resting Metabolic Rate so you burn more calories at rest…

WITHOUT the need for exhausting exercise or restrictive diets.

But there is one thing most people do every morning…

They think is healthy and will help to lose fat…

That instantly TURNS OFF your Lean Gene and slows your Resting Metabolism to a snail’s pace…

And when you stop doing this one thing…

Your Resting Metabolism will ignite like an inferno…

Burning up your stubborn fat stores while you relax or simply go about your day.

Amino Acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins.

There are 20 different amino acids in total…

Found in “healthy” foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy and grains…

Plus, legumes and vegetables including peas and beans…

These are the building blocks of life.

However, here’s the big issue…

There is one amino acid that can be a problem…

When you eat this one amino acid, your body releases a huge amount of the #1 fat storing hormone – insulin.

Even if the leucine is found in “healthy” foods like chicken, milk, beef, cottage cheese, fish or beans.

When you eat this one amino acid…

Your blood sugar rises…

And this puts your body into fat storing mode.

Depending on how much leucine you consume…

Your blood sugar can stay elevated for hours at a time…

This spike in insulin levels temporarily shuts off your Lean Gene…

Causing your resting metabolism to shut down as well.

Making fat loss impossible.

So if you are consuming foods such as milk, beef, chicken, fish or beans…

You could be shutting off your Lean Gene and slowing your resting metabolism to a crawl.

In fact, this is the #1 reason many of today’s most popular diets fail…

Keto, Paleo, Low carb, Low fat…

What’s the one thing they all have in common?

They all contain high amounts of protein… and leucine.

Even if you’re eating egg whites for breakfast…

Having a vegetarian wrap for lunch…

Or chicken and rice for dinner….

They can all shut off your Lean Gene so you’re not burning any fat.

The average American eats a very high protein diet.

And all of this leucine can take you out of fat burning mode in seconds…

Protein foods are made up of amino acids…

Many of which are very high in Leucine…

And while some protein is essential and does help to build muscle and burn fat…

Too much protein has the opposite effect by spiking blood sugar and insulin….

While you can store hundreds of grams of carbs in your muscles…

Once your protein needs are met, any extra is stored as fat.

Fact is most Americans eat DOUBLE the amount of protein they need each day…

This can over stress vital organs while also shutting off your Lean Gene…

What most people don’t know is…

The average person only needs about 50 grams of protein each day…

But many people are having this much in a single meal!

I want to be perfectly clear.

I’m not telling you to stop eating protein.

Protein is essential to good health but…

Too much protein is not good.

And if you are someone who has struggled to lose weight despite trying most diets and even exercising …

The problem could be your Lean Gene is shut off and your resting metabolism is too slow.

This means you are probably eating too much protein and specifically, the amino acid Leucine…

And this is stopping you from burning fat plus….

And as you get older, this problem gets worse…

Your ability to digest protein decreases as you age which means…

You spike blood sugar further…

Your Lean Gene never turns on…

You get more spill over into your fat cells

You develop deadly visceral fat around your liver and heart….

Increasing your risk for heart attack, diabetes and cancer.

And once your Lean Gene is shut off…

It can be very difficult to turn it back on…

Which is why it’s so hard to lose fat as you get older.

Most people think it’s just carbs that are making them gain weight but…

Have you ever gone on one of those diets I mentioned before?

I call them the big 4- keto, paleo, low carb and low fat.

If you have been on a diet in the last 20 years, chances are it was something similar to one of these…

You increase the protein…

But you still don’t lose weight!

It’s because you’ve brought your resting metabolism to a standstill.

All the insulin spikes over the years have shut off your lean gene…

There is a way to stop this from happening and “re-set” your Lean Gene in just 10 seconds…

This allows you to consume all the insulin producing protein and carb foods you want- while increasing your resting metabolism.

Juicy hamburgers and steaks packed with protein

Tasty breads, pancakes and pasta packed with carbs

Delicious cakes, cookies and even ice-cream loaded with sugar…

When you reactivate your lean gene, these foods can boost your resting metabolism and fat burning rather than destroy it.

Just like when you were a teenager.

Which is why your resting metabolism slows down with every year over age 30…

Leading to more stubborn belly fat…

Increased deadly visceral fat…

And less lean muscle mass.

If you’re consistently gaining weight…

Even if it’s just a pound or two every month…

Your resting metabolism has gone to sleep and your lean gene is to blame.

It’s like trying to start a fire using wet logs…

You strike the match but…

Now, let’s recap the problem so you fully understand what’s happening in your body…

And why you can’t lose fat.

Then I can show you the exact Brazilian water recipe that will fix it.

Starting around age 30, this causes you to start gaining weight…

No matter how much you exercise…

Or how healthy you eat…

This process happens because of a gene called UCP2.

Known as the “Lean Gene”, UCP2 turns on your resting metabolism and activates fat burning…

The more UCP2 you have, the more fat your body will burn at rest.

Beginning at age 30, UCP2 gene activity begins to decline.

This reduction is amplified by exposure to the hormone insulin…

And by the consumption of high insulin producing proteins and carbohydrate foods.

Leaving you with a very slow resting metabolism,..

Larger hips and thighs…

Even if you have been eating a “healthy” diet…

Even if you have been counting calories or cutting carbs…

Even if you have been exercising until you are blue in the face…

If you want to get your resting metabolism moving again and start burning fat…

It’s really as simple as flipping on your Lean Gene.

And keeping it on as long as possible.

Now, you’re probably wondering…

This is where things get really interesting…

Rather than the typical “eat less, move more” answer you hear all the time…

I’m going to tell you to do the exact opposite.

Yes, you read that right…

In order to reactivate your Lean Gene and boost your resting metabolism you don’t have to follow any of the traditional diet rules.

In fact, you can reactivate your lean gene while exercising less and eating more…

But only if you know the secret I discovered…

Having an identical twin is an incredibly special gift…

And in America, its relatively rare.

Only 33 out of every 1000 births will result in twins.

But there is a place where twins are incredibly common…

Cândido Godói is a remote village of 7,000 inhabitants in the south of Brazil that has a phenomenal number of twin births…

And no one knows exactly why.

Researchers have been visiting for years trying to crack the genetic code behind the twin mystery.

And in the 1960’s the evil Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who was obsessed with twins, travelled there to conduct experiments…

So, when the opportunity came up for me to go there to do research into what may be causing this phenomenon, I jumped at the chance…

Cândido Godói is a very interesting place…

Never in my life have I seen so many twins…

As soon as I arrived, I noticed something remarkable…

There was something different about these twins that set them apart from twins back In the USA…

In fact, almost all the residents of this town were in excellent physical shape…

And then I noticed something else…

In a village full of people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s…

Most of them didn’t look a day over 40.

I could hardly believe what I was seeing…

And it got me wondering if there was something these people were doing that was keeping them so young and fit looking…

The head researcher and guide of our group was a local man named Eduardo…

Despite being almost 100 years old, Eduardo was in fantastic physical shape…

He looked half his age and moved with the speed, energy and agility of a much younger man.

Eduardo grew up in Brazil and was a member of the Yanomamo tribe- an indigenous people who have been living in the Amazon rain forest for thousands of years.

He was also a twin, and the son of a shaman and was trained in the use of native plants and medicinal herbs.

Every night we would talk and discuss the benefits of the various plants that grew in the rain forest…

Eduardo believed the secret to healing all diseases was found within the Amazon jungle.

And he wasn’t the only one…

With its vast and diverse number of plants and animals, it’s no wonder every big pharmaceutical company is doing research there to find the next medical breakthrough…

On average, one important new drug has been produced for every 125 Amazon species studied…

Whereas the equivalent rate for man-made chemical compounds is one in 10,000.

So, it’s fair to say the Amazon rainforest holds many secrets most of us have never seen…

I sat down for breakfast with Eduardo early one morning and began to talk to him about my twin sister…

About the huge difference between us in terms of our body fat…

And how despite us being identical twins…

I could never lose weight…

While she remained slim and fit while eating whatever she wanted.

I broke down when I shared how my husband no longer found me attractive…

And how hopelessly depressed I had become.

I asked him, I begged him, if he knew anything, anything at all to help me where a decade of American diets and exercise had failed.

He smiled warmly and said that he was very happy I asked….

Eduardo then proceeded to tell me about all the research that had been done on his people…

All the pharmaceutical companies…

Including the genetic testing…

And the secret studies performed on twins by Dr. Mengele in the 1960’s…

The results of this genetic testing revealed something remarkable…

And is the reason why some people can eat whatever they want and still lose weight…

While others fight to lose a single pound.

He said this gene was the reason why I struggled with losing weight while my identical twin sister was slim all her life.

The indigenous people intuitively knew about this genetic problem for centuries…

And because of their huge population of twins, through years of trial and error, had developed a powerful remedy…

A tincture they put in their water each morning…

Eduardo said locals take a few drops of these powerful Amazon plant extracts for their remarkable benefits including:

The list goes on and on…

And the proof of that was all around me.

Eduardo then excused himself to go back to his guesthouse…

He returned with his medicine bag, reached in and pulled out a small glass vial…

He unscrewed the top, put 10 drops in a glass of water and told me to drink it quickly…

“Trust me” he said, “this is what you are looking for- 10 drops per day is all you need”…

I did as he asked and swallowed as fast as I could…

Eduardo then explained to me how this water recipe was made and the many steps involved…

And why it tasted so bad…

He told me the Brazilian water recipe had been passed down through generations, and was said to have magical healing properties…

Every December, during the dry season, Eduardo and other members of his community would make the trek to the Amazon rain forest…

To gather the necessary plants and herbs needed to make medicines for the coming year.

This practice was over 2000 years old and an integral part of their survival throughout history…

Upon return, the various plants, seeds and herbs were sorted according to their medicinal properties…

The Shaman would then create a tincture from these different combinations by soaking the raw ingredients in alcohol or vinegar…

These tinctures were then used to treat the various health issues the local people experienced…

Including one that was used for increasing resting metabolism and losing belly fat.

This tincture was incredibly powerful but had one drawback- it tasted terrible!

At the end of the week our research trip was over…

We said our goodbyes and returned to the US with the twin gene research we had gathered along with the samples we collected plus the tincture Eduardo gave me…

The minute I arrived, I went straight to the lab and began trying to reverse engineer the contents…

And I was very surprised at what I discovered…

The first plant extract we identified was Yerba Mate.

Yerba Mate is a bioactive plant native to South America.

It’s been used for hundreds of years to relieve fatigue, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

But the benefits of this remarkable plant go far beyond that…

One of the main actions of Yerba Mate is to target the UCP2 gene.

According to the Centre for Research of Molecular Endocrinology,

Yerba Mate goes even further than that.

Studies show this fat burning wonder actually increases the expression of genes involved in fat burning thermogenesis…

This means you increase your resting metabolic rate and burn more calories at rest- including while you sleep.

That’s important because it does this without diet or exercise…

Making it very easy to stick with over the long term.

These are compounds that enhance the metabolism, transport and breakdown of fat in your body.

Betaine is incredibly powerful as it regulates blood sugar and insulin resistance… while shutting down the genes that encourage belly fat formation.

Betaine also helps with the conversion of metabolism killing white fat to the more active form of brown fat.

According to a study published in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition…

Betaine supplementation significantly improved body composition in just 6 weeks.

While lowering homocysteine levels- a serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Choline is the major lipotrope in all mammals.

In fact, Choline deficiency is directly linked to the genes that cause fat formation.

Yet according to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, only a small percentage of all Americans eat daily diets that meet the minimum recommended intake for Choline.

Inositol is another lipotrope and works in combination with Choline to aid in the redistribution of body fat.

Inositol also works with serotonin to help control appetite and cravings while relieving depression.

Cinnamon bark extract helps support healthy glucose metabolism and insulin levels plus…

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry…

Cinnamon bark regulates the enzyme responsible for preventing fat formation.

When fat cells were treated with cinnamon, researchers noticed increased expression of the UCP2 Lean Gene that enhances metabolism.

What’s even more remarkable is cinnamon bark extract works regardless of the diet you follow or the types of foods you enjoy.

Polyphenols are plant-based nutrients packed with antioxidants and health benefits.

Each polyphenol exerts a different effect on gene expression.

The two polyphenols discovered were grape seed extract and green tea.

Grape seed extract stimulates the breakdown of fat while helping control appetite.

Green tea extract suppresses fat formation and affects the expression of fat storing genes while helping reduce body fat.

Resveratrol is a super nutrient linked to heart health, but new studies show it works on a genetic level to prevent our bodies from storing belly fat.

In a study published in Nutritional Biochemistry. supplementing with resveratrol daily reduced belly fat and lowered blood sugar levels…

Even when fed a high fat diet.

The first one is Chromium, which helps support healthy blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.

And last on the list was Butyrate…

Butyrate supports healthy gut bacteria, increases resting metabolism and the amount of fat being burned.

At the same time, we were identifying the ingredients in this tincture, we received the genetic testing results from the lab.

We were shocked by what we found.

Each local resident we tested in Cândido Godói had their UCP2 “Lean Gene” switched on.

We then began checking the genetic test results from overweight American volunteers along with my own test numbers…

The results were incredible…

My UCP2 gene was switched off plus…

Every overweight person we tested had their Lean Gene switched off as well…

Then came the final test…

We tested my identical twin sister…

And I could not believe the shocking results…

Despite having identical genes, her Lean Gene was switched ON…

This explained why she was able to stay lean and healthy while I struggled to do the same.

These results confirmed something incredible that would change the way people treat obesity forever;

Now that I could confirm the ingredients in this tincture were safe, I decided to take it myself for a full 30 days…

And I was not prepared to give up my favorite foods just to lose some weight…

Burgers, pizza, steaks and ice cream are not the typical types of foods you can eat while trying to lose weight…

But according to the research we gathered from studying the individual components of this tincture…

You can turn on your lean gene…

And this will turn up your resting metabolism whenever you want.

Allowing your body to burn more fat at rest and even while you sleep…

Without intense exercise…

And regardless of what you like to eat.

After seeing the results on Eduardo and the people of Cândido Godói…

And the results of our gene research on the hundreds of twins we studied…

I realized we had stumbled upon a significant scientific breakthrough…

The discovery of a natural remedy that turns up your resting metabolism with a flick of a switch…

By using the same secret tincture formula residents of this remote town had been using for hundreds of years.

I wanted help others with this…

And make it so easy and so convenient…

So, I spent the next few weeks searching for a company that could source these rare plant extracts…

I spoke with suppliers and manufacturers from around the world…

Finding a source that would meet my stringent scientific standards was not cheap…

Because all ingredients had to be:

Finally, I was able to source each ingredient in bulk…

We then spent months trying to get the formulation just right…

And in capsule form so there were no concerns about taste…

So, you could pop it in your mouth in just seconds every morning…

Just like your daily vitamin.

We spent over one hundred thousand dollars on the first batch alone…

This was a huge financial risk for us but…

We knew we had to make this available for all the people who desperately needed it…

About 6 weeks later we finally had our first test batch…

I tore open the seal on the bottle…

Grabbed a glass of water…

And popped one in my mouth…

I Could Feel Something Almost Immediately…

But I wanted to really put this formula to the test…

So along with my daily capsule…

I continued to follow my normal eating routine…

And over the next few days…

I ate a lot of high protein foods…

Plus, a ton of high insulin producing carbs…

Along with targeting your UPC2 Lean Gene…

And turning up your resting metabolism…

Including protein and carbs.

That’s what makes this formula so powerful.

Because if you can reactivate your Lean Gene and turn up your resting metabolism…

Without having to give up your favorite high carb foods like bread, pasta or pizza…

Or your favorite high protein foods like burgers, steak or eggs…

While still losing weight…

So, for the next few weeks I put this formula to the ultimate test…

As a mother of twins, my body had really been put through it!

It had been 7 years since the birth of my boys but still…

Losing my excess belly fat was impossible…

I desperately wanted my body back but…

I simply didn’t have time to go to the gym for an hour or two each day and …

At 43 years of age I didn’t have the metabolism I used to have…

Plus, as a health expert there was no way I was going to put my body through some unhealthy crash diet.

At first, I just brushed it off…

I thought it could have been water weight or a change in my hormonal cycle…

But then something incredible happened…

I decided to loosen up and have a well-deserved cheat meal…

That “meal” turned into an all-weekend binge!

I ate pizza and pasta for lunch…

I enjoyed my favorite burger and French fries…

I had my mother’s home-made bread…

I even had a glass or two of wine…

I ate ALL of my favorite foods…

I was shocked by what I saw in the mirror.

My body looked slimmer than it had ever looked in my entire life.

It looked and felt as if my resting metabolism had finally woken up!

At that moment, I was certain of one thing:

Activating my “Lean Gene” was the missing piece of the weight loss puzzle I had been searching for all my adult life.

That morning my husband stared at me in disbelief…

And with a look in his eyes, I hadn’t seen in a while…

And over the next few days…

The cravings and hunger pangs disappeared…

And the scale started going down every single day…

I began shouting my husband’s name from the bathroom…

At first, he thought there was something wrong but…

There was no mistaking the sound of joy in my voice…

Because on that morning…

Just 21 days after I took the first 2 capsules…

And in the days that followed…

The weight continued to fall off…

I was down a whopping 71 pounds…

I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight…

And 5 pounds lighter than when I graduated from high school!

What seemed impossible just a few months ago…

Was now a reality because…

The discovery of the UCP2 “Lean Gene” is a game changer because…

When you activate this gene…

You turn up your resting metabolism…

That’s the part of your metabolism that is active while you relax or sleep…

And is responsible for the majority of the calories your body is burning…

Have you ever known someone who doesn’t exercise, eats whatever they want and never gains a pound?

It’s not because they have better genetics than you…

Or more will power than you…

It’s because that person has their Lean Gene turned on…

Because when your lean gene is activated…

Your resting metabolism increases…

And you start burning more calories…

This allows you to eat more of the foods you love like bread, pizza, burgers and even ice cream…

And not store them as fat.

Just like when you were a teenager!

All you have to do is turn it back on…

And started dropping fat like crazy.

So, I started giving it to all our friends, family and co-workers…

None of them were very fit… or healthy…

In fact, a few were borderline obese.

They had all tried losing weight in the past but….

Always found the programs too restrictive and hard to follow…

But when I told them about the Lean Gene discovery and this new formula…

They all agreed to give it a try.

I explained to them this wasn’t a miracle pill that cures everything…

Just something that will help speed up their resting metabolism…

While allowing them to eat more insulin releasing protein and carb foods…

…without storing them as fat.

All ranging in age from 40-85…

Were all becoming slimmer…

Feeling and looking younger…

Without making drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle.

This Brazilian recipe really could work for anyone.

And it was now my duty…

To get this in the hands of as many people as possible.

Because it targets the UPC2 Gene…

The gene that turns up resting metabolism and activates fat burning…

Let me share with you the cold, hard truth…

If you want to finally start losing stubborn belly fat…

If you want to fit into your skinny jeans or sexy top…

If you want to lose your nagging fat pockets once and for all…

Most importantly, if you want to increase your resting metabolism, eat more of the foods you love and start burning fat in your sleep…

Lean Gene is the answer you have been searching for.

It’s the only all-natural 8-ingredient blend in the world that supports healthy UCP2 Gene expression…

…to target unexplained weight gain, excess belly fat and slow resting metabolism.

Now you can finally indulge in more of your favorite carb and protein meals guilt-free…

Knowing they will be burned away while you relax.

It’s the only formula in the world that combines:

Here’s the exact label on every bottle of Lean Gene…

…so you can see everything for yourself…

There areno hidden sugars…

And there areno dangerous drugs or chemicals.

It’s just100% pure plant extractsthat I’ve described in detail here today…

Each of these extracts is supported by the latest cutting-edge research to ensure you get the healthy, trim body you deserve.

Turns UP Resting Metabolism…

It Targets the UPC2 gene pathway in the body.

Remember, the UPC2 gene activates the burning of fat…

And serves as your body’s “master fat formation switch.”

It determines the burning of dietary fat rather than the conversion to body fat…

Supplementing with a special type of Yerba Maté…

Combined with the other plant extracts we discussed today…

And helps support a more normal level of expression.

It also lowers blood sugar to aid in fat oxidation…

If you have been struggling to lose 15 pounds or more…

Your #1 priority is targeting your UPC2 “Lean Gene” …

If this gene is not activated in your body…

You will continue to struggle to lose weight- especially as you get older.

It Increases your Resting Metabolism.

Your Resting Metabolism is roughly 75 to 90% of your total daily calorie needs.

The faster it is, the faster you lose weight – especially in your sleep.

Unfortunately, your resting metabolism decreases with age…

And this is a primary reason why you continue to gain fat even if you are eating healthy and exercising.

Just imagine how much easier it would be to lose weight…

If your body started to burn up more of the calories from foods you love to eat…

Rather than storing them as belly fat.

You would be able to enjoy more of the foods you love…

Without worry and while burning it off in your sleep…

Just like when you were younger.

This is the power of your resting metabolism.

It Helps Resist Fat Formation.

The hardest part of losing weight is resisting temptation…

And giving up your favorite foods.

High protein, high carb meals like burgers, pizza, pasta with meat balls, bread, marbled steaks, and desserts…

Make it next to impossible to lose fat.

That’s because they increase insulin and shut off fat burning.

Imagine how much easier it would be to lose weight…

If you could eat these foods whenever you wanted…

Without fear of gaining belly fat or destroying your health…

That’s what happens when you target your Lean Gene…

Because when your UPC2 gene is activated…

Your body will start naturally burning more fat for energy…

And you no longer have to resist every temptation or desire.

Now can you see why this works so fast?

You’re finally getting your body to work with you…

Most people over 40 are walking around with their lean gene shut off…

They struggle with slow metabolism and stubborn belly fat…

They are in constant battle with hunger, cravings and low energy…

They do everything right, eat healthy, exercise, drink lots of water and still…

And they have no idea why.

The research on twins and obesity was never done before.

It was this research that revealed the existence of a “lean gene” …

And the discovery of the exact plant extracts…

And piece together the entire puzzle…

To find the answer you have been looking for.

A miracle that has saved my life…

The lives of many of my research team members…

And the lives of countless others in this small village…

Now you can see why this is so important…

And why we need to get this out to the rest of the world…

The missing piece of the weight loss puzzle you have been searching for…

You now know why some people can eat whatever they want and still lose weight quick and easy…

And why you have struggled to lose even a couple pounds…

…and gain weight just thinking about your favorite foods.

You’ve heard about my trip to Cândido Godói…

And the genetic discovery we made there while researching twins…

I told you about Eduardo who, at almost 90 years of age, is young, strong and sharp as a tack…

And how after a lifetime of struggle, I was finally able to get total control over my weight at age 46…

And lose almost 30 pounds in record time…

To finally look just like my skinny twin sister…

Who had never struggled to lose weight in her life…

Plus, how hundreds of other women and men have been successful too…

And how they are raving about a solution that takes just 10 seconds per day…

And works when everything else has failed.

So, now that you have heard my story…

Let me ask you a question…

How do you want your body to look 14 days from today?

Close your eyes and picture your new, flat stomach and slim thighs…

Imagine how excited you will be…

Waking up each morning to see the changes that happened overnight…

We can do this together…

But you have to take the first step.

Don’t waste another precious minute…

No matter how much weight you have to lose…

So, if you’re sick and tired of struggling…

And fighting your genetics…

Then I want to do something to personally help you.

When we first started testing Lean Gene, we went through our initial 5,000 bottle order in less than 24 hours.

And once people started seeing incredible results…

The word quickly spread online…

The site went viral and we could hardly keep up with orders…

And once people realized how fast the bottles were selling out…

They started ordering six or more bottles at a time.

That way they could target their Lean Gene…

And crank up their resting metabolism…

To keep burning fat the whole year long.

This is a very smart decision.

Especially since our research shows how powerful this formula is…

And how it can target your lean gene and resist fat formation.

Once you see the first couple pounds falling off…

You’ll want to keep the results coming week after week.

However, since so many people are ordering three to six bottles at a time….

Some of the ingredients in this formula are extremely rare and hard to come by…

It can take months for the source ingredients to arrive from overseas…

And because money is tight and we don’t have a huge budget for inventory…

Keeping Lean Gene in stock has been a huge challenge.

You’ll have to wait up to 3 months on average…

Because we’re not going to cut corners.

Each bottle of Lean Gene is:

While this process is expensive and time consuming…

It’s critical for ensuring the purest plant extract on the market today…

Because of our attention to potency and quality…

We can only produce an extremely limited number of bottles at a time.

And this presents a problem because…

This means the longer you use these powerful plant extracts…

The longer your UPC2 gene can activate your fat burning pathway…

The faster your resting metabolism will become…

The more your body will resist fat formation and…

The more pounds you will see melt away…

This means you should order several bottles at one time…

So you never run out of supply.

I would also recommend picking up a few extra bottles for family and friends because…

They will constantly be asking what you’ve been doing to look so much slimmer…

This is one of the best parts about using this formula…

It’s so simple anyone can do it!

Simply start by taking 2 capsules each morning before breakfast…

This way your body can resist fat formation throughout the entire day…

No matter if you choose to have eggs and pancakes for breakfast…

Or a burger and fries for lunch…

The powerful extracts will do all the work while you relax and go about your day.

The most important thing is to be consistent.

Your resting metabolism has been dormant for a very long time…

When you do that, you will be shocked by how much your body can change in such little time.

Whether you order three or six bottles…

Your Lean Gene will be shipped out as soon as you place your order.

For most people, this means you will be targeting your UCP2 gene and boosting your resting metabolism within 3-5 days from right now…

But you should act quickly as supplies are very limited.

As soon as you receive your order, take 2 capsules right away…

And then again, the following morning.

You should start feeling the difference almost immediately…

You may feel a slight warmth all over your body as your resting metabolism begins waking up…

Your desire and cravings for sugar and sweets will diminish as your blood sugar returns to a healthy range…

And your feelings of guilt will slip away knowing you can still enjoy the foods you love without fear or worry…

And in less than 30 days…

I guarantee people will be looking at you a bit different…

At first it will be an admiring glance or two…

But soon friends, family and co-workers will be asking…

“What’s your secret – how are you able to lose so much weight so quickly?”

People you haven’t seen in a while won’t be able to recognize you…

You won’t be you anymore…

Sure, you will be the same person on the inside but…

On the outside your body will have transformed completely.

That’s because you’ll look…

With an air of confidence that everyone will notice…

Turning on your Lean Gene can happen very quickly but…

Seeing the physical changes in your body may take a little more time.

But if you are consistent and take Lean Gene daily…

It will produce incredible results.

And the longer you commit to taking it…

The better your results will be.

That’s why I always recommend choosing at least 3 bottles to get started…

And 6 bottles if you’re really serious about turning on your Lean Gene and turning up your resting metabolism…

Especially when you see the results day after day…

And continuing to use it for three months will give you the momentum you need…

To keep your Lean Gene activated and re-set your resting metabolism…

And when you commit for a full 6 months…

Something incredible happens.

You finally gain control over your weight…

Your resting metabolism becomes a raging inferno…

You resist fat formation while once again enjoying the foods you love and…

You look and feel better than ever…

Because your genes and resting metabolism are finally working like they’re supposed to.

And because most people are picking up multiple bottles…

We have created special packages so that the more you buy, the more you save…

Because I want to make targeting your Lean Gene and boosting your resting metabolism as cost effective as possible…

In hopes that you’ll tell your friends if, and ONLY if, Lean Gene works wonders for you.

That’s why, if you choose the 6 bottle discounted package…

Plus, we worked out a deal with our supplier…

So you’ll get a big “new customer” discount on a three-month supply as well.

The savings aren’t as big as the six-bottle discount…

But they’re still significant.

Whatever package you choose…

There are NO recurring shipments…

You will not be billed again unless you make another order.

I hate companies that keep sending you bottles when you didn’t order them.

But you have to act fast…

Because our supply is running low.

And I can guarantee these discounts will not be available forever.

Once you complete your order…

Our team goes to work immediately to package up your shipment…

It will arrive at your doorstep within just a few short days.

You’ll also receive an email confirmation…

Along with complete information on how to get in contact with our support team…

…just in case you have any questions or want to track your order.

My team and I and super easy to get in touch with…

And we are always happy to help you every step of the way.

Lean Gene is incredibly effective and we have hundreds of repeat customers…

However, in the remote chance you are not satisfied with your order, it’s super easy to get your money back…

That’s why, when you try Lean Gene today…

If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your results…

If for whatever reason Lean Gene doesn’t work for you…

Then all you have to do is contact our support team…

And we’ll refund your entire order with no questions asked.

And, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve used.

Our team will take care of you and simply thank you for giving us a try.

Making Lean Gene a part of your daily routine is the first step to maximizing your genetics and losing your belly fat.

However, I want to make sure you cover all the bases and have everything you could ever need to get the extra weight off…

That’s why I’m including the following 3 bonuses absolutely free…

…when you pick up your 3 or 6 month supply of Lean Gene today.

However, these bonuses won’t be available for long.

I can’t even guarantee they’ll be here tomorrow…

So, make sure you grab them up now or risk missing out forever.

Have you ever wondered how super star actors and swim suit models can look so fantastic for a movie or photo shoot?

Make no mistake- this doesn’t happen by accident.

The truth is achieving your “perfect body” is a SIMPLE process and something that you can do in just 7 days.

Imagine – being able to look like you have melted away 10 pounds of ugly fat and trapped water retention overnight…

This is what The Perfect Body Blueprint is all about- tweaking your current food and water intake to look your absolute best whenever you need to most.

This is a 7-day, step-by-step guide to looking your very best for a special occasion such as wedding, reunion, or vacation…or if you just want to impress yourself.

This is the PERFECT companion book to using Lean Gene and something you will use time and time again.

The Perfect Body Blueprint is only available here on this page and is not available anywhere else.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to discover the true secret behind the world’s most stunning body transformations.

While you don’t have to change your diet in order for Lean Gene to work…

If you are interested in optimizing your fat burning gene using nutrition- I can help.

That’s because I don’t just want you to lose your belly fat…

I also want you to have loads of energy…

Healthy HDL cholesterol levels…

And healthy blood pressure…

This will help ensure you live a long, healthy life…

And maybe live into your 80’s or 90’s- just like Eduardo.

And nutrition can play a big role in that.

This isn’t some low-carb or low-calorie diet plan.

But it is something you will turn to time and time again for cutting edge tips and tricks.

And in our test groups, people who try these tips lose an average of 10 pounds.

And it’s yours free when you order 3 or 6 bottles today.

One of the secrets we discovered to target your lean gene and get rid of extra belly fat was…

Combining your Lean Gene capsule with a refreshing tonic or smoothie.

Just like you, I am very short on time…

And eating healthy all the time just isn’t possible…

So, using my nutrition knowledge and all the research I gathered while in Brazil…

I created a number of fat burning gene tonic and smoothie recipes…

Whenever I need some quick, delicious and nutritious…

Or a little pick me up…

I simply mix one of these and am good to go in just minutes.

I then curated all of the recipes that you can make in less than 3 minutes…

With clean ingredients you probably have in your fridge right now…

And put it into a convenient recipe book…

That you can get free of charge when you try Lean Gene today.

Your decision will have a lasting impact on you and your loved ones going forward.

The first choice is you can take everything you learned here today…

And try to apply it yourself.

You can spend months doing research trying to find the exact plant extracts…

In the exact right quantities…

You can go to your local farmers market or organic grocery store…

You can waste hours of precious time searching for them online…

And if you could locate these ingredients in the right quantity and potency…

You would still need a person like Eduardo with the experience to know how to combine everything in a way that actually works to target your UPC2 gene.

That’s probably not going to happen.

At best, you’ll waste a lot of time and money only to end up back where you started.

And that’s not what I want for you.

The second choice is the much better option.

Because it’s the way proven to work.

You have the unique opportunity to take advantage of the time, energy and resources I’ve put in by doing all the hard work for you..

And see for yourself how powerful this formula is…

All you need is 10 seconds in the morning to start seeing amazing results…

And with all the free bonuses…

With the fast-resting metabolism you always dreamed of…

You’ll have more energy…

Your clothes will fit better…

And people will be stopping you in the street begging for your secret….

But you have to take the first step.

The missing link to your weight loss struggle…

Deep inside you know this is the answer you have been waiting for…

Because everything you discovered here today makes sense.

Lean Gene will help you to finally lose the weight once and for all.

If you could do it on your own, you would have.

Plus, if for some reason, any reason at all, it doesn’t work out…

You can just let us know…

And we’ll refund your entire investment.

So you have nothing to lose.

I wish you abundant good health,

Certified Nutritionist & Researcher

P.S. After our initial test batch of 5,000 bottles sold out so fast…

We started getting questions from all over the world so…

I’ve answered the most common questions for you below.

Lean Gene targets the UPC2 gene and increases your resting metabolism. Lean Gene’s breakthrough formula contains 8 powerful ingredients to help resist fat formation and increase fat burning.

UPC2 is the gene that triggers the creation of a protein that turns on resting metabolism and activates fat burning…

The more UPC2 you have, the more fat your body will burn at rest.

Lean Gene is the first formula of its kind to effectively target this fat burning gene.

Lean Gene is comprised of Yerba Mate, Butyrate, Betaine, Choline, Polyphenols, Green tea, Cinnamon and resveratrol.

Everyone’s body and metabolism is different, so it’s impossible to provide an exact answer. On average, most women and men see positive results within the first 72 hours.

Our research shows the longer you use Lean Gene, the better the results. People who stick with it for at least 30 days see the best results.

Within 3 months, your friends and family may not even recognize you.

And within 6 months, people often experience a total body transformation and talk about looking and feeling half their age.

Lean Gene is not for everyone.

If you are taking medications, you should always check with your doctor first before taking any herbal supplements.

But if you have 10 or more pounds to lose and your body seems resistant to diet, exercise or even fat burning supplements…

Or if you gain weight for no reason despite eating healthy…

Then you likely have a slow resting metabolism and Lean Gene is perfect for you.

Simply choose the package you’d like below and click the Add to Order button.

You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form. Complete entering your info on that page and your order will be on its way.

Typically, it takes 3-5 business days to arrive, depending on your location.

While you wait, you will receive instant access to all the free bonuses, including the 7-Day Perfect Body Blueprint, the Stop Fat Storage Gene Plan, and the Stop Fat Storage Tonic & Smoothie Recipes.

You’ll also receive an email with our customer service contact information. That way you can track your order. And you can reach out to us if you have any questions at all.

Yes. Gluten free. Soy free. Dairy Free. GMO free. MSG free.

What constitutes as one serving of Lean Gene?

One serving of Lean Gene is two capsules.

If for whatever reason you’re unsatisfied with Lean Gene…

Simply contact our customer support team and we’ll give you a full and prompt refund with no questions asked, once you’ve returned the bottles.

And you can keep the free bonus guides. It’s our way of saying thank you for giving Lean Gene a try.

Yes, Lean Gene has worked for women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

Regardless of age, the powerful nutrients found in each capsule of Lean Gene will target your UPC2 gene and boost your resting metabolism.

The deep discounts you see here aren’t guaranteed past today.

Lean Gene contains several exotic and expensive ingredients and we have very limited supply.

We want to get this into as many hands as possible and are committed to providing you with the absolute best deal possible.

But we won’t be able to do this forever.

So please take advantage of the discounted rates while you still can.

Because I can’t promise they’ll be available if you close out of this page and try to come back later.

So, choose the option that best fits you right now…

And I’ll be in touch to help get you started with the free bonus guides while your first shipment of Lean Gene is on the way.

Certified Nutritionist & Researcher

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† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care professional about a medical condition, a suspected medical condition, and before starting a diet, exercise, or supplementation program or take or stop a medication. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

*Customer statements, examples, and testimonials found on this website may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The reviews should not be taken as the results a typical user will get. Your results may vary.

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We’re selling out faster than expected and stock of Lean Gene is running LOW…

Remember: Every discounted 3 and 6 bottle package of Lean Gene comes with these 3 bonus books absolutely free.

Click here to get Lean Gene at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Lean Gene is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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