Beauty benefits of lemon for skin - Health Tips Galaxy


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Saturday 9 May 2020

Beauty benefits of lemon for skin


Being aware of skin care is good enough, but using several cosmetics for skin care is not at all good idea when you have an option to use lemon as a home remedy for better skin care with no side effects. In this article, you will know the benefits of lemon for skin care along with skin care ideas and tips.

Can lemon face pack be kept overnight?

Yes, you can keep lemon face pack overnight to get rid of acne, blemishes & blackheads. Dab the cotton ball into lemon juice & apply it on acne and blemishes. Let it dry overnight. rinse in the morning.

Does drinking lemon juice improve skin tone?

Consuming lemon water flushes out the toxins from the body & brightens up the skin naturally. The natural properties help in lightening up the skin when used over time.

Can I use lemon juice on dark elbow & knee?

Yes, massaging lemon juice on your elbows & knees can help you get rid of dark skin. Use it twice a week for better results.

Does lemon juice remove dandruff?

Squeeze 1 tbsp juice of fresh lemon & mix it with 3 tbsp honey. Mix them well & apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for 20 mins. Rinse off with mild shampoo.

Does lemon juice have any side-effects on the skin?

For those with sensitive skin, applying lemon juice may cause irritation, dryness, and redness owing to its acidic properties. Always do a patch test before applying lemon juice on the face.

Why is lemon good for your skin care?

Lemon face packs for acne & dry skin

It may be the first question that may arise in your mind, so here we are to answer your question. Well, let you know lemon contains the specific properties that can be seemingly great for skin care. The components present in lemon can help you to remove dead skin while generating new healthy skin cells. Lemon has alpha hydroxy acid that is found in skin care products.

The properties lemon contains

  • Vitamin C

  • Alpha hydroxy acid

  • Potassium

  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Magnesium

Lemon’s magical effects for skin care

  1. Treat dry and dull skin: Using lemon with honey is an excellent remedy to get rid of dry skin. The properties present in honey make it more useful to treat dullness.

    • Ingredients: 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp powdered milk, 1 tsp fresh lemon juice, 2 drops of essential oil

    • Use:

      1. Get all the ingredients mixed in a small bowl.

      2. Apply to your face for 20-25 minutes.

      3. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

  2. Skin-lightening: If you have dusky or the dark complexion, lemon can help you to defeat the dark appearance by lightening-skin.

    • Ingredients: 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp cucumber juice, 1 tbsp tomato juice, 2 tbsp sandalwood powder

    • Use:

      1. Make a fine paste of sandalwood powder.

      2. Add all the ingredients in it.

      3. Apply to your face for 20-25 minutes.

      4. Wash with lukewarm water and follow with moisturizer.

  3. Lemon is exfoliating: Lemon has bleaching properties that lighten skin, but for better skin care it also acts well to exfoliate skin to remove dead skin cells.

    • Ingredients: 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 egg white, 2 tbsp brown sugar

    • Use:

      1. Mix all the ingredients.

      2. Massage it to your face gently for 5-6 minutes.

      3. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes.

      4. Rinse it thoroughly with lukewarm water and follow with moisturizer.

  4. Anti-ageing serum: Lemon has abundant antioxidants that effects to damage free radicals and repairs damaged skin and slow down age appearance.

    • Ingredients: 2 tbsp of fresh lemon juice and water

    • Use:

      1. Add lemon juice and four tbsp water in a spray bottle.

      2. Spray the solution to your skin.

      3. Give a gentle massage for 2 minutes.

      4. Rinse your face with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.

      5. Follow with moisturizer.

  5. Get cleansed skin: Combining tea tree essential oil and lemon juice create a great solution to get a cleansed skin by removing sebum and dirt.

    • Ingredients: Tea tree essential oil, lemon juice, cotton ball/pad, and distilled water

    • Use:

      1. Get a couple of drops of essential oil and lemon juice mixed in 6 ounces distilled water.

      2. Soak cotton pad/ball in it.

      3. Apply to your face as a toner before going to bed.

Lemon benefits for skin care

  1. Eliminate sebum and excess oil: Lemon has the properties that make it an excellent remedy to fight off sebum and excess oil present in your face.

    • Ingredients: Lemon

    • Use:

      1. Take a small piece of lemon.

      2. Rub it gently to your face.

      3. Leave it for 10 minutes.

      4. Wash your face with lukewarm water.

      5. Apply moisturizer.

  2. Strengthens nails: If you are fond of beautiful nails like me then lemon can help you to strengthen them.

    • Ingredients: Lemon juice and edible oil

    • Use:

      1. Make a mixture of cooking oil and lemon juice.

      2. Soak your nails in this solution daily for 10 minutes.

      3. Wipe it off.

  3. Fades blemishes: A fair complexion doesn’t need expensive products. Using lemon juice regularly works effectively to fade blemishes.

    • Ingredient: Lemon juice, cotton ball

    • Use:

      1. Extract fresh juice of a lemon.

      2. Soak a cotton ball in it.

      3. Dab it to your face.

      4. Rinse your face after 10 minutes with lukewarm water.

  4. Reduce acne scars: Experiencing acne scars is not an uncommon problem and treating acne scars with lemon and turmeric mask is one of the best options that can help you with skin care.

    • Ingredients: Lemon juice, turmeric powder, honey

    • Use:

      1. Add 1 tsp of lemon juice in the equal amount of honey.

      2. Add a pinch of turmeric powder in it.

      3. Mix all the ingredients well before applying to your face.

      4. Leave the mask for 20 minutes.

      5. Wash it off with cold water.

  5. Remove blackheads: Component like vitamin C present in lemon is effective to cater to skin care. Applying diluted lemon juice is an extremely fantastic way to remove all the blackheads and whiteheads as well.

    • Ingredients: Powdered milk, lemon juice, water

    • Use:

      1. Mix 1 tsp of powdered milk in lemon juice and water.

      2. Use this paste as a scrub to the affected area by rubbing gently for 5 minutes.

      3. Rinse your face with cold and clean water and follow with moisturizer.

  6. Hydrate and clear skin: A hydrated skin is the first step that gets listed in skin care, and this is what lemon does. Use of lemon helps to keep skin hydrated and healthy.

    • Ingredients: Lemon juice, coconut water

    • Use:

      1. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with a few drops of coconut water.

      2. Spread it all over your face.

Astonishing effects of lemon for beauty benefits

You need to be aware of taking a better care of your beauty that could be possible with the use of lemon. Here we have mentioned below the topmost lemon effects for beauty benefits.

  1. Soothes lips: Apply a couple of lemon drop on lips before going to bed and wash it off the following morning. Makes sure; you are avoiding it if the lips are chapped.

  2. Prevent fine line: Lemon has anti-ageing properties that tightens your skin and prevent fine lines.

  3. Treat wrinkles: Lemon has a good source of vitamin C that boosts collagen production that results in improved elasticity and better tone of skin along with treating wrinkles.

  4. Rejuvenate skin: The properties lemon posses are helpful to rejuvenate your skin and prevent sagging of cheeks as well by firming your skin to make it youthful.

  5. Soften skin: Using lemon juice with glycerin works well to let you get smooth, healthy and soften skin.

  6. Remove tanning: Sun exposure results in tanning and the use of lemon can help you remove tanning.

  7. Fades patches: Lemon is good in citric acid and vitamin C as well. These both components are useful to make lemon a tan removal natural remedy for beauty benefits.

Tips for your skin care and beauty benefits with lemon

  1. Soak in water before using: Make sure; you are not squeezing lemon juice directly to the cotton to apply on face. Leave the cut lemon in water for few seconds then take it in use.

  2. Read the content if using skin care product: Using beauty care products with the lemon extracts can be beneficial if it does not contain mercury. Make sure; the product you are using should be mercury free.

  3. Avoid sunlight exposure: On every use of lemon or the product containing lemon needs the ignorance of sun exposure to prevent the suspected skin damage.

  4. Don’t use daily: Lemon contains citric acid that can dry out your skin. Using lemon daily can result in the loss of skin moisture that can cause skin problems. Using lemon in alternate days is a good idea to take better care of skin while availing beauty benefits of lemon.

  5. Avoid lemon in cold days: Lemon has citric acid that can dry your skin and during cold days using lemon can be seen in worsen effects.

  6. Keep it away from teeth: Using lemon juice to exfoliate lips is a good idea, but you need to ensure that pure lemon juice should not get in touch with your teeth as it has the properties that can damage the enamel of teeth.

  7. Use it once: You should use lemon once it’s cut.

  8. Avoid on cuts: If you have cuts, even minor cuts do not use lemon else it can result in worse effects.

  9. Dilute before use: Using lemon extract directly can dry out your skin; therefore, you need to dilute it before using to prevent skin problems.


Lemon has May beneficial properties that make it an excellent citrus fruit for skin care and availing beauty benefits of lemon as well. So what are you waiting for?  Start following up a lemon based natural home remedies for skin care along with the precautions given above. Leave your questions in the comment section given and let us know you found the information useful.


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