Excellent nuts that reduce stress and excess fat – our health - Health Tips Galaxy


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Saturday 27 March 2021

Excellent nuts that reduce stress and excess fat – our health

The lotus is an aquatic plant that belongs to the Nelumbonese family. While the flower is used for decorative purposes, eczema seeds have been used as an active food since ancient times. The seeds can be taken in raw, roasted form and boiled in syrup or paste. It plays a key role in nutrition, health and cosmetics and is added to many foods such as honey, tea, jam, juice and cakes.

The key role lies in the properties of traditional medicine. As part of traditional medicine, this eczema seed is used in the treatment of inflammation, cancer, urinary and skin diseases and in the treatment of many diseases such as insomnia, palpitations, poor digestion, chronic diarrhea, enteritis and cancer.

In nutrition it contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamins including vitamin A and E and other minerals such as magnesium, potassium and sodium. They are also rich in phytochemicals, valuable anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties.

Lotus seeds have natural bleeding properties, cool the body, tarpana means nourish the organs and enrich the skin color, giving a smooth, flawless and radiant appearance.

Increases digestion

Due to the high fiber content, the seeds help to keep the digestive system in order. It controls appetite, controls premature appetite cravings and thereby accelerates weight loss. Lotus seeds detoxify the kidneys and liver, remove food waste and prevent it from accumulating in the body, thereby maintaining gut wellness.

Lotus seeds are rich in magnesium. Magnesium is a great channel blocker in the blood, oxygen and other nutrients in the flow. Low levels of magnesium can cause your body to have a heart attack. The lotus seed of such great content can lead to a dramatic change in heart condition. Prevents coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions associated with the risks of its nutrients.

The enzymes present in lotus seeds are intended to prevent aging. L-isospartyl methyltransferase is an enzyme that helps repair and maintain damaged proteins and increase collagen synthesis in the body. Promotes sleep. Reduces stress and anxiety in the body.

Helps to manage diabetes

Lotus seeds have a low glycemic index. Therefore, they limit blood sugar levels in a sudden spike. Lotus seeds also monitor the body’s insulin response. Learn more about lotus seeds that have many benefits


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